HPLC Troubleshooting – Problems with Chromatography
HPLC Troubleshooting – Problems with Chromatography
Method Development and Factors influencing Method Development
Method development is a step of process that determines test method capabilities through the selection and optimization of analytical test parameters. It provides a high degree of assurance that the test method will meet (or) deviate the established requirements. Method Development starts with Literature search of the sample (i.e. Physical and chemical properties) Physical properties: […]
What Is Tailing Factor? – Asymmetry, Peak Tailing, Peak Fronting and Resolution
What is Tailing factor ? Before going to the topic – Allow me to briefly address the topic of an Ideal peak, often known as an Ideal Chromatography Peak. A symmetrical peak is defined as having two equal halves. This makes it an Ideal Peak. A peak can deviate from this ideal in several different […]
Differences between LCMS and LCMS/MS
LCMS LC-MS/MS Full Name: Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry Full Name: Liquid Chromatography coupled with tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) Quadrupole: Single quadrupole system Quadrupole: Triple quadrupole system Scan Mode: Only SIM Q1 scan mode or selected/Single Ion Monitoring (SIM) Scan Mode: Both SIM and MRM -Q1 scan mode or selected/Single Ion Monitoring […]
What is ESI in Mass spectrometry? Differences between ESI and APCI ionization in LCMSMS?

ESI– Electro Spray Ionization is most widely used ionization techniques in mass spectrometry. Electrospray is a method of getting the solution phase ions into the gas phase so that they can be sampled in the Mass spectrometer. Electro Spray Ionization is best suited for Ionic compounds with high polarity. When an analyte is transferred from […]